星期三, 3月 16, 2016

self talk



ok, the suggestion I got is to do Chinese courses as part of the International Communication Major. Actually before this I am already wondering should I or shouldn't I complete a Chinese Major in Australia...althought I do learn a lot in Chinese classes here, many skills which will benefit my career in the future, but...these are not quite close to what I expect for a Chinese Major (of course, coz you r in a western country lol)

What I could actually get the most out of are from International Communication courses, and I do find myself very interested in some of the contents =)

Then why am I contemplating now?

firstly, I completed a compulsory course (Modern Chinese 6) for Chinese Major last semester, which the course was easy af for me zzz (still didnt fucking get 100) This would go to a waste if I dont do a Chinese Major...I mean...why t f I did that course then?

secondly, I really want to learn some proper Japanese, I really wish i can speak good Japanese after these...and my elective slots are running out soon...........what am I gonna do???

haiz...I will have to let go something...the first step should be giving up 4 (or less...)chinese courses, to empty up spaces for the courses I am interested (and worth learning). then, I will have to choose between Chinese and Japanese. Some will say "what else do you still need to think, the answer is so fucking obvious!" of course is japanese. yaya...alright then...

so, as to compensate my love for Chinese, I promise myself I will definitely do my postgrad and research in Taiwan.One day...not in the near future...(stupid JPA)

